Master the Art of Insinuation

by - April 17, 2020

   Seduction is the word stems from Latin and means literally "to lead astray". Seduction can be expressed as persuading a person to yield to your advances and is not used only in the pursuit of a love interest. One from of seduction which is hard to resist is the insinuation. INSINUATION is the art of planting an idea in someone's mind.
According to it "There is no known defense against insinuation". Insinuation is a key element in the "indirect game" and other seductive techniques. It will probably take time for the idea to seep into thought since they thought about it on their own. This is one of the most effective way to influence people. Influencing others is how we get jobs and promotions, win negotiations, sell products, and gain notoriety. Here are some rules of seduction below that I've summarized.

1. Choose the right target.
   Your victim should be someone "for whom you can fill his blank". Find those who conceal their true intentions, like being ambiguous or shy in your presence instead of the one eager to please you because they are usually looking to get something in return.

2. Create a decoy - approach indirectly by a false sense of security
   If you take a direct route and say exactly what you mean, you will face resistance. It is because people do not like to be told what to do. Their habits, preconceptions, and biases protect them. Before making a proposal, reach out of them via a third party, or develop a neutral or friendly relationship before making it about business. You can supplement them with moral ideals that make your aim seem more important than it is.

3. Create a need or temptation - Stir anxiety and discontent - Enter their spirit
   Following these steps is crucial. The idea would creep in in the subconscious when your target is distracted. Sell yourself by illustrating ways in which the other party is lacking in some respect and then reveal how you can make up for that deficiency. But first you have to play by their rules. Begin by becoming a mirror, determining what your target's weakness is. Subtly dropping hints over time without revealing your true intentions, it would seem what you've said was only a passing thought. You want to make sure your target snaps back to reality after your idea has been implanted, that way can make him think he is acting on his own initiative.

4. Isolate the victim and give him space
   People are most vulnerable when they are shut off from everything around them. Avoid being overly polite with your target, which can have the unintended consequence of making you seem insincere and insecure. Keep your target focused on you by making yourself as attractive as possible and when the other side is on your side and has become used to you, re-create interest by taking a step back and they will chase you.

5. Be careful for the aftereffects
   Once you have succeeded in your seduction, employ variations of the above strategies degrees to keep the other side from taking you for granted and making you disposable.

   The reason insinuation works is because the world is often too dull. The little mystery it has makes us yearn for something different and enigmatic. We wonder what someone are up to when they breaks the routine and doesn't say exactly what they mean. Remember that insinuation is good only when you want to lure in a target that does not already desire you. 


Pic: Unsplash

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